February 2024 Writing Update

February 2024 Writing Update This month has been a month of transformation. I have made decisions that I still feel a bit nervous about - decisions about my writing career and what I'd like to do, once and for all. There's actually a lot to get through in this month's update, so here's a little list of sections to help guide you: Becoming a full-time fiction author Muslim representation in my fiction Developmental editing services This Week's Writing Lesson Social Media Decisions Murder in Heliopolis editing update + A note on organization and breaking down the novel editing process 1. Becoming a full-time fiction author It's scary to say, "I'm going to be a full-time, professional author!" and throw yourself into a career where you'll spend months - perhaps years - without earning any money as you write and edit and prepare books. It's a scary thing to decide that that's what you want to do, and that you're going to give it you...