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The Ephemeral Nature of Digital Storytelling

The Ephemeral Nature of Digital Storytelling A couple of years ago (or was it longer? time flows at a pace i can never understand), I was working on my thesis paper for my MBA - a research project in which I was investigating enhanced ebooks and their viability in the publishing industry. I would like to begin by apologizing to those to whom I promised a copy of the thesis; while I got a great grade for it, I was absolutely destroyed by a huge sense of impostor syndrome afterwards. After that, I was a little embarrassed to share it. I hope that didn't bother you too much. But, that's not the point of this article. While conducting my research, there was one big issue that came to view when discussing the viability of enhanced ebooks. To put simply: format.    You see, over time, we develop formats and we develop programs that can read them and/or edit them, and over time, we develop new formats and new programs that can read/edit those, and so on. And, as a result, older format

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