Alpha Readers for Murder in Heliopolis


I've decided to get a lot more serious about completing Murder in Heliopolis and making it the best story it can be. So, I'm getting more organized.

Previously, the alpha reader process was very simple and loose: read the story partially or entirely, send some feedback my way, whatever it may be.

The general process is still the same. Only now, I'd like alpha readers to give me their feedback via this Google form.

It asks for your general thoughts regarding the characters, settings/worlbuilding, and the plot. You don't even have to have read the whole story. If you DNCed it - you can still fill this form out. Let me know why! I'd love to make the story better for readers.

I've also added a deadline for alpha readers to send in their feedback:
May 5, 2024.

I'm hoping to have the second draft of Murder in Heliopolis completed by then, which means I'll be moving on to beta readers.

When the call for beta readers goes out, alpha readers will get first dibs. That's why the Google form above collects email addresses - so I can get in touch with you in case you're interested.

I sincerely hope that you will consider being an alpha reader for Murder in Heliopolis. I know there are a lot of areas for improvement in the manuscript, but it always helps to get more opinions!



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