Scareuary 2025 is almost here!

Ready to write some horror? February's right around the corner, and you know what that means!

Join us this coming February to participate in Scareuary 2025! In this second edition of Scareuary, I've got a brand new selection of writing challenges and prompts. Whether you're a seasoned horror fiction writer or looking to dip your toes into the world of writing horror, this is the event for you.

Scareuary 2025 events will include:

  • M-m-monster!! - This challenge asks you to create a monster. Veer away from the well-trodden path of vampires, werewolves, ghosts, and other well-known monsters in the horror genre, and try to create a story that revolves around a monster that comes purely from your imagination. How would you design it? What would it look like? What would it represent?

  • Twisted Hearts - For this challenge, consider the ways in which love and horror are linked. What terrors lie in wait for the hopelessly devoted? What fears consume the lovesick heart? What horrors will the adored encounter? Give us love, and make it scary.

  • The Maze - In this challenge, your character is faced with one task: escaping the maze. How did they get there? What dangerous and threats lurk in the maze? Is it a physical maze, or a psychological maze? An endless maze? A monster-infested maze? Create a labyrinth, and paint its ever-encroaching walls with horror.

  • The Coppe's Webbe - Making a comeback from the first edition of Scareuary is the Coppe's Webbe challenge. Randomly generate a word, and use it as a prompt to write four or more scary short stories before the end of February. [Check out last year's Scareuary to see how I tackled this challenge!]

You have your challenges. Think them through. Prepare yourself. And, when February comes, get writing! 

Remember that Scareuary is a pretty chill writing event. You don't have a word count you need to reach. Your stories could all be 100-word flash fictions. You could write poetry. You could write 5,000-word short stories. It's all up to you. Take the inspiration and let it fuel your imagination. 

And, of course, as always, I'll be blogging my experience throughout the month of Scareuary right here on this blog.

So, how about it?

Ready to write some creepy, spooky, scary fiction?


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