Character Backstories Vol. 11 - Detective Spencer Nicoletti & "Eva"

Character Backstories, Vol. 11

Detective Spencer Nicoletti & "Eva"

Since I'm not sure if I'll use the same character portrait graphics for my OCs moving forward, I didn't want to go through with Warda's OC intro yesterday. But I also decided that I would release another volume of Character Backstories to replace it. And here we are.

This time around, the two random names I picked out of my little box are: Detective Spencer Nicoletti from Marie/Elise and the mysterious "Eva" from An Entity In Your Midst

Detective Spencer Nicoletti (Marie/Elise)

Detective Nicoletti is the lead homicide investigator in the case of Elise Bellerose's murder. But what's his backstory?

There's not much that is revealed about Spencer in the current draft of Marie/Elise. In my mind, he was a detective in the big city, but missed the mark on a very important case, which led him to be reassigned. Despite this failure, Nicoletti is generally viewed as being a very capable investigator and cop, so he was reasigned to Blackwood.

Being a quiet sort of place without much - or any - crime to speak of, Blackwood is the perfect place for Spencer. Well, apart from the entitled uber-rich which resided there. Before that last case - the case which had him reassigned - he might have seen this as a punishment. Now, all he wants is to distance himself from the evil filth of the big city.

Spencer lives with his wife in the outskirts of Blackwood, where the less-fortunate people live - the people who keep Blackwood and its shops, clubs, restaurants, schools, and other facilities running smooth and clean. He finds it more bearable than the luxurious apartment building where most of his colleagues live - a building built and maintained by generous donations on the part of the wealthy.

I'm hoping to flesh out his backstory and his personality a little more as I edit the current draft.

"Eva" (An Entity In Your Midst)

Eva is a mysterious character who shows up in the second part of my horror novel, An Entity In Your Midst. Without giving too much away, here's what I can tell you about Eva:

  • As you could probably tell from the quotation marks, Eva isn't her real name.
  • Eva isn't human... She is one of the 'entities' that has been released by the Volkov girls.
  • This isn't her first time in Kostya; she's been here before. At that time, she took the form of one of the women in the village. This time around, she takes the form of a woman from a billboard advertisement. 
  • Eva is an example of how the past is repeating itself in Kostya. The Volkov girls aren't the first to play a stupid game and open the gates for various entities to pass into the human world.
  • One of the characters, charmed by her beauty and glamour, becomes completely enamored by her. Unbeknownst to him, he's met Eva before, many years prior... and he almost died.

Okay, so I gave a lot away. I'm in a giving sort of mood. Don't worry, though - there's still a lot to learn about Eva, about the kind of monster she is, and about her true motivations.


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