A Look Into My Upcoming Horror Fiction Writing Course
A Look Into My Upcoming Horror Fiction Writing Course Well, it's been a while since I had a full update regarding my horror writing course . I've hinted at its contents on my social media, and I've chatted a bit about how the course will function from an educational perspective , but it's about time I shared a little sneak peek into the actual course, hm? One of a range of lessons in the 'History and Evolution of Horror Storytelling' module. What you see in the screenshot above is the general layout of the course. Off to the left, you have the modules and lessons, and on the top right corner there's a button to let you continue on after you've completed a lesson. There's also a Comments section, which I provide in certain lessons to promote discussion among fellow writers about a range of intriguing topics. The course is mainly text-based, with images to support the text visually, and every now and then, there are some videos sprinkled throughout...