When I'm Not Writing...

Q: What do you do when you're not writing?

Writing - especially if you're writing with the intent to self-publish - is heavy, time-consuming work. It means that when I'm not writing the stories, I'm either revising/editing them, making graphics for them, trying to talk about them online and garner some kind of interest for when I do finally publish them, and so on. I might also be networking, or trying to find a magazine or anthology to submit a short story to. It's a lot of work. In fact, it doesn't really leave you with much room for anything else. 

But when I'm not writing, or trying to do the business of writing, I enjoy playing video games, watching movies/series, going out with friends, catching up with my favourite podcasts and YouTube channels, and working on a wide range of other hobbies that I still consider myself a complete newbie in. 

I'd like to start doing a little DIY. Some woodworking and carpentry, perhaps. Maybe figure out how to fix plumbing and do electrical work and all the other skills adjacent to that. I feel like I'd be pretty darn unstoppable if I could do those things. 

And of course, one of the biggest things missing from my life right now is exercise. Movement. Physical activity. I injured my leg about 6 weeks ago now, and they do say that sprains and minor tears can heal within that time period given that they're treated properly. I'm not sure where my injury stands, because I still can't walk normally. The idea of exercise feels so far outside of the realm of what I can achieve right now, it's a little disheartening. Just this time last year, I was jumping around doing aerobics, and the year before that, I was cycling. It's weird to find yourself cooped up and unable to be on your leg for too long. 

But if my leg wasn't injured, I'd want to go on long walks. Walks are kind of my thing. And I would probably be doing a little cycling. A little aerobics. Maybe some yoga. Bodyweight exercises. You know the drill. Maybe not as often as I should, but I would. I especially enjoy working out while listening to a podcast. 

God, to have all of those things back again. 

I guess as far as what I like to do outside of writing, that just about completes the list. Oh - there's a little baking and cooking and art, of course, and a little gardening here and there, but that's about it. 

What do you like to do when you're not writing?

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