In a perfect world...

Here's a little exercise I decided to do today. While perusing open calls for submission and game jams, I found myself thinking, if I was in a perfect state right now, I'd go for this, and this, and this one, and this... 

Well, alright then. Sure, if I was functioning at 100%, I'd do all of the cool things I found. Given my health issues and other obstacles, it's all way too much. Still, it kept nagging at my brain: In a perfect world, I could... I could... 

I decided I can make a list of all the things I'm interested in going for, and just seeing how much of them I get to do. If it's none of them, then that's that. It's ambitious to even get one of them done. If I can, by some miracle, do more than one? Amazing! (But I'm not gonna hold my breath!)

Go ahead and give it a try. Do this exercise: In a perfect world, if you were in perfect condition and there was nothing else getting in the way, what would you try to go for this month, or in the next few months? What would you try to accomplish? 

It's okay. Go crazy. List all of 'em. Go window shopping for open submissions and see what you would love to submit something for. Why not, after all? There's no harm in that. If anything, it might just be the boost we need to get just a little something done, even if it's just a flash fiction piece.

Anyway, in case anyone out there is interested in knowing what I'm considering at the moment, here's my list for the month:

In a perfect world, I would submit to...

  • Flame Tree Fiction (Oct. 27)
  • The Bare-Bones Jam (Oct. 31)
  • All Worlds Wayfarer (Oct. 31)
  • Cosmic Horrors Jam III (Oct. 24)
  • WolfSinger Publications (Oct. 31)
  • Undertaker Books (Oct. 15)
  • Speculative City (Oct. 20)
  • Cloaked Press (Oct. 15)

There's actually a few more I'd be interested in, but I think this would be my limit if I was operating at 100% capacity, give or take a couple opportunities. Instead, I'll try to focus on the ones I'm most excited for! (And I may cheat just a tad with the game jams, because I think I can make one game for them both 😉)

I won't get to do all of these. I probably won't even get to finish two of these. But at the very least, I can give it a go. Whatever I am able to finish is still better than nothing, right? Right.

So, in a perfect world, what would you try to accomplish?


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