Sprint Sheets: Time Attack & Word Target

Printable Freebie for Writers: Sprint Sheets

Writing sprints have been extremely helpful for me this past month. In fact, most of the writing that I managed to complete wouldn't have been possible without the help of writing sprints. In light of that, I decided to make these very simple black and white printable tackers, to help you track your writing sprints.

Get them here (completely free, of course).

There are two kinds of sprint sheets. The first is Time Attack. These are sprint sheets where you have a certain number of minutes, and you try to write as much as you can in that period of time. Simply fill in the date, the name of the project you're working on, the amount of time you'll be writing for, and how many words you were able to complete once the timer is done.

The second is Word Target. For this kind of sprint, choose a target word count for the day or any other set period of time, and try to reach it. Fill in the date, the name of the project you're writing for, the target word count (and, if you prefer, the time allotted), and how many words you were able to complete.

They're nothing fancy; just a little something to help you feel more productive when you're not feeling too great about how much writing you're getting done. I've found that at least one sprint per day - even if all I can write is 100 words - makes me feel better overall. Slow progress is still progress after all, and it's better than having written 0 words.

You can find more worksheets and resources here.

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