Interactive Fics, Horror Stories, and Rekindling the Passion

October 2024 in Writing

It's been a while since I tracked what I was actually up to over the month. I'm not really sure how I'm going to get my year-in-writing post done come December! But, the good news is, this month has been easier for me to keep track of, and there's been quite a lot happening. I'm going to keep this short and sweet.


First and foremost, I submitted a poem to a magazine and a short story to an anthology. The poem has, as of my writing this, already been rejected, so I'm excited to share that later on this year, hopefully as part of a little poetry book. 

I'm still waiting to hear back for the anthology (by the way: this marks my first submission to an anthology, ever!). Finally, I also submitted a small interactive fiction to a game jam. Speaking of IFs...

Interactive Fictions

I submitted a tiny little IF to a game jam, and I felt so powerful after doing so that it ignited a crazy IF-writing flame deep in my soul. Which is to say, I'm working on two other IFs. One I've already shared about and introduced - The Black Hare. The other, I'm keeping under wraps, although I have already uploaded the early version to 👀 There's still a lot that needs to be done there, though, so Mum's the word for now. 

There were a lot of IFs that I started working on ages ago, but I'd always end up getting stuck and overwhelmed and just abandon those projects. Having completed that tiny IF for the game jam really helped me figure out how best to keep scope creep from getting to me, and how to just functionally make my stories work. And now, I'm unstoppable. Expect many more IFs in the future.

There's been a lot of love on tumblr for The Black Hare, which also has me very motivated to get that Prologue out ASAP. I just hope I can do the story - and the characters - justice.

The City of Light

Yep, that's right. I'm finally diving back into my fantasy series, after what feels like centuries. I'm focusing on The City of Light, which I also shared a WIP intro for on my tumblr, and I'm falling in love with my characters and story all over again, which means that you can hopefully also expect some more updates re: that book. 

Since the series it's part of - The Qarran Tales - is pretty loosely-connected, and while the books are generally in chronological order, it doesn't mean that I have to focus on the book that happens the earliest. That gives me hope; I can work on any of the books and not feel too guilty. Any one of them can be released first.

And that's that!

I feel like I managed to write so much this month. I think it was definitely about 30k+ words for the month as a whole, and that makes me super happy, especially after being out of commission for months due to health issues. 

I should probably take it a little easier on my arms, but until then, I'm just basking in this little moment of victory.

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