This excerpt, I shared for an ask over on tumblr. The ask was:

Happy STS! What part of your story has been your favourite to write, or what part are you looking forward to most? (feel free to share a snippet 👀)

Ohohooooooo 👀 So. Many. Fun. Scenes. Some are super shocking and I’ll save those for when readers get to them 😼 But if I could choose one for this ask… 

It would be the scene from the one I’m currently focused on, The City of Light, where Lysia is ordered to hunt Lucius down and arrest him for treason. Absolutely epic! Best friends since childhood, pitted against each other because one of them made an (objectively minor) error which has the potential to have huge ramifications for the kingdom. Plus they’re both super skilled with their weapons of choice, and it’s a very explosive battle with a lot of onlookers.

Very bittersweet. Very point-of-no-return. Very fun.

(((And 👀 le snippet can be found below.)))

She came out of nowhere, silent and deadly, too quick. Lucius had barely pulled Mila back behind him when the first strike came, blue-white sizzling heat just a half-second from his face. Lysia still wore the bells he’d given her earlier that day in her silver hair, but her expression was severe, fury dripping off her.

She hardly gave him a chance to dodge, unleashing an endless chain of attacks with a guttural roar. She meant to finish this, and it would have been the greatest disrespect for him not to match her in spirit. His hands found his sword hilts, and he slipped them out of their sheaths with a resounding buzz. This was going to be painful, in more ways than one.

Still needs a little editing, but you get the drift. Thank you for the ask! 

BTW! I just made a WIP intro for this book!


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