Sipofsnips: ‘Grey'

Sipofsnips: ‘Grey’ / The Qarran Tales

Today’s prompt from @sipofsnips is a fun one for me because it’s the name of one of my characters! Which means I have so much to choose from!!!

Grey is one of the main characters of my fantasy series, The Qarran Tales. Here’s a snippet featuring Grey doing some quick thinking on his feet to save Mila from a ruffian.

Grey took a step forward, his grasp tight around the hilt of his sword. “I wouldn’t do that,” he said. “I told you I didn’t care much for that man, but the same can’t be said of the girl. I can’t allow you to hurt her.”

“What’s this, then?” the axe-wielder asked, chuckling. “You like her? Are you trying to save your lady love, boy?”

Grey snorted. “Don’t be foolish,” he said. “That girl is more important than that. You don’t know who you’re threatening to kill, do you? She’s too valuable.” He was pulling words out of thin air, and his performance skills were absolutely terrible, but as long as it made the man hesitate, he didn’t care.

“Is that so?” the man asked, and his eyes glistened at the prospect of something valuable. He lowered the axe slightly. “Who is she?”

“Don’t you know?” Grey asked, faking incredulity. What’s taking Ragnar so long? “I thought that was why you and your men attacked us.”

More info:
>> The Qarran Tales project page
>> Mila OC intro post

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