Ondes Martenot in Valgus

Worldbuilding: Musical Instruments in The City of Light

<< This post was inspired by a WBW ask I received over on my writeblr. You can check it out here. >>

There's an awesome scene that I wrote very early on when I was writing my fantasy novels. In the scene, Mila gets her first dance - but, as it turns out, the handsome stranger who has asked her to dance is, in fact, prohibited from being there, and all too soon, the entire group - Mila, Ragnar, Gray, and this bold stranger - are running away from the City's Guardians. Still, the dance was magical while it happened, and the scene remains a favourite of mine even years later. 

Back when I first wrote the scene, I imagined that there would be waltz-like music playing in the background. Very European fancy dress ball. And there's a lot to be said for the aesthetic; it can be quite beautiful. It's just that, I didn't want my world to feel too familiar. I wanted to make it as different as possible - while still feeling somewhat recognizable. And I want the atmosphere to feel intoxicating, mesmerizing. Not only because this is Mila's first dance, and this dashing stranger arguably sweeps her off her feet, but also because the entire setting - the City of Light itself - is so mysterious and mystical to travelers.

The City of Light, also known as the Kingdom of Valgus, is powered by a strange, magical energy that they guard very closely. Outsiders aren't allowed to learn about it, or see it for themselves. In fact, they're so secretive about it that the City of Light doesn't even allow outsiders into their borders for most of the year. So, for Mila and her friends to be there, in the City of Light, and witness just a fraction of what that mysterious power can do - it's hypnotizing, fascinating. I want the music to reflect that.

So, I decided I would include instruments that fit in well with that entire aesthetic, and the choice I made was to include instruments akin to the Ondes Martenot or the theremin. The otherworldly, ethereal melodies that these instruments can make can truly transport the reader into the world of the City of Light, and Mila's experience as she's swept off her feet. 

If you're unfamiliar with the Ondes Martenot, check out this video which features the man who invented it, Martenot, playing different kinds of tunes and sound effects on his instrument:

But one of the loveliest pieces I've found online has to be this one, where the Ondes Martenot accompanies a piano to create a beautiful, surreal melody, something like what I'd like for the group to be experiencing in the story:

And that wraps up this little worldbuilding piece for The City of Light, the third book in my high fantasy series, The Qarran Tales. You can learn more about my fantasy series by checking out the tags!


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