Help me out? - Newsletters on Groups

I'm trying something out that's a little outside the norm, I think, and that's using Google Groups to create a newsletter.

Essentially, you can just subscribe/join the group, and anytime I make a post, it automatically sends it as an email to your inbox. Which seems to me to be pretty good newsletter functionality.

I've also finagled it so that you can reply to emails and we can have threads with conversations between members, though how well this works is yet to be seen.

Now, I've already tried this successfully with one other person, but I would like to test it with a few more to make sure it works.

If you'd like to help me out and are comfortable with it, I'd really appreciate a few volunteers to request to join the group so that I can add you, just to test out a couple of newsletters and see if this actually works.

Good to know before you join:

  • You will need a Gmail account to access the group. You will need to be logged in so that it shows you both the "Ask to join group" button as well as a message that says: "You don't have permission to access this content. For access, try asking to join the group."
  • The privacy settings have been adjusted so that members cannot see each other's emails, but I'm not sure how that carries over when making a thread/conversation. I guess it only shows your displayed profile name?
  • It is very easy to unsubscribe from the group, so if you just want to hop in to help out and then remove yourself from the group, that's not going to be an issue.

Thanks in advance to anyone who decides to help me out with testing this as a newsletter! <3 If it works, this will probably be my new newsletter configuration for the foreseeable future.

Once you request to join and I accept...

...I'll write a generic newsletter test post, which should show up in your Gmail inbox. I'd appreciate it if you could:

  1. Reply to the email directly via Gmail. You can reply with anything. Or, if you can't think of anything, just reply with "Eagle has landed."
  2. Reply to the post on the groups page, and see if maybe you can see and reply to other replies from other members. (I really want to see if the conversation thread thing works!)
  3. Also, can you tell me if you can see the earlier posts I made ages ago when I first thought to do this? There are 2 separate posts that are supposed to be 'welcome' and 'rules of the group' posts. Ideally, everyone should be able to see them, regardless of when they join.

Please let me know if you have any Qs.

This could either end up being a super great idea that works, or it could end up being a lesson learned, haha. Let's hope it's the former!

EDIT OCT. 31 2024: I've had some help working things out, and while conversations don't seem to be working in the way I thought they would (???), the newsletter aspect of the Google Group does work surprisingly well, so that's that. 


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