Where was it?

Where had she put it?


A growl ripped free from his throat as he flipped over the mattress. It fell on the bedside table and the lamp crashed on the ground, glass breaking. Great

She took it. 

She left - and she took it with her.

He ran his fingers through his hair, tugging at it harshly. What was he going to do now? Without it... He was as good as dead. Was that what she wanted?

It was one thing for her to leave him - he couldn't really fault her for that. But to leave him to face certain death?

Certain death. The words ricocheted in his panicked mind. Was it? Certain?

Maybe he could make it. Maybe - if he left now - he could somehow save himself.

He had just about packed some essentials into a bag and grabbed his keys when there came a knock on his front door. 

His blood ran cold in his veins. 

He was too late.


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