Teaching Literature through Unwritten Dialect

Teaching Literature through Unwritten Dialect

Literature is a big passion of mine, and where I come from, that's not very common. I don't think it's because people here don't truly enjoy literature; far from it. I do think it's because the school system forces students to choose between sciences, maths, and languages and literature. My suspicion is that most parents don't believe that completing your studies in languages and literature is as helpful to their child's future as the sciences and maths. Naturally, students are steered away from those studies and pursuits, and life takes over from there.

There are some other factors, too. Like, for example, the drop-out rate for students living in rural areas who are needed at home. But all of it points to a missed opportunity to pursue an interest in literature, even if one enjoys it. And I feel that it's not just a young audience feeling this, but older members of society who may still wish they had the chance to read and delve into the worlds of the classics and enjoy them to the full extent. 

So, I've decided to try out a new program. Currently in the design stages, this is a program where I will be discussing and analyzing important pieces of English language literature using only the dialect of my home country. 

It's a bit of a challenge, not least because the dialect isn't exactly strong from the technical-language perspective, and most technical language is imported from about 4 other languages, not all of which are spoken by everyone. The language used to present this program is just as important, if not more so, than the content of the program itself, as it's a trickier balancing act. I'm also curating the list of written works in the program so that they're more relatable to the audience. Ideally, these books will teach lessons or touch upon subjects relevant to the daily experience of the average person in this country.

I hope to have more to talk about soon, as the design stages are coming along quite well. My next announcement with regards to this project will hopefully be a release date for the first 'season'.


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