Free, Free Freebies 💸

Free, Free Freebies

Long story short: everything on my shop is now free. 💸

And I mean everything.

Some offer you the option of paying what you'd like, if you're in a place where you can be supportive, but apart from that, go forth and enjoy the creative writing resources, short stories, and books to be found there!

And, since I've made this decision, I've updated the shop as well. Which means there's even more to be found there than you're used to. I've gone from offering 5 paid items to offering 11 free items, with dozens more on the way!

 Check it out here. 🔗

The Rationale?

The decision comes after a long, long time of considering what my goals with my writing career are. There are a couple of things that I'm most interested in doing: entertaining and educating. And because I believe that education in particular is something that you shouldn't really have to pay for, I began moving in the direction of offering free creative writing worksheets and workbooks. 
Additionally, since I want to share my writing and have it be read by others, I've decided that the best way to do that is to remove any paywalls so that more people can enjoy my stories. Besides, I certainly have a very long way to go with my writing craft, so it would be an added benefit that anyone can pick up one of the stories and let me know their thoughts about it. 

That being said, I'm still figuring out how to handle the horror storytelling course I've been working on, as well as a couple of other programs that I'm excited to start working on and which are currently in the design stages. These are significantly larger undertakings, with much more serious goals (certifications, potential accreditation, etc.), so making them freebies, at least at first, may not be possible. Will keep you posted about that.

For now, I hope that you find something you truly enjoy in my little treasure trove, and I hope to bring you a lot more where that came from very soon!


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