Change is Coming...

A short update, on this fine July day...

I've decided that this blog will be undergoing a significant change in future, and part of that is going to be a complete restructuring and a shift in blog goals.


Shifting Blog Goals

Originally, the blog began as a way for me to log my writing journey and share parts of books and stories I'd been working on. From time to time, I made some resources and wrote some more 'insightful' articles, and even published some stuff, but on the whole, the blog continued to operate more as a journal of sorts. 

Lately, I've been considering my writing career, as it were, and I came to the conclusion that at this point in time, I would prefer to focus on creating more "educational resources" related to creative writing - templates, worksheets, workbooks, courses, workshops, etc. I'm interested in providing these all for free, so keep an eye on this space if that's something you're going to be interested in. 

In simpler terms, I want to take the blog on a more professional route now.  

New Residents

If you've been around for a while, you may know that I have a great many interests. While having one blog per interest would be a little more organized, it's also a lot more work, which takes time I simply don't have. I'm currently working on completing a diploma and potentially starting a new degree program that I was fortunate enough to get into, so there's a lot on my plate even without factoring in work and all my personal projects. Yay! 

Right now, I'm focused on instructional design, game design, teaching English, and - of course - creative writing. Since I can't even imagine what kind of havoc managing 3-4 different blogs might introduce into my life, I've decided that those other interests are moving in to this blog, with us! 😊 It shouldn't look like a huge change, as most of those interests are quite aligned in ways that will become more obvious to you as I start sharing more about them. 👍


Because we've got new residents taking up shop here in the blog, there will probably be a little bit of short-lived messiness as I try to make sure that all of the blog posts are labeled correctly, and clean up the labels currently used in the blog. I may delete or archive a range of blog posts to shift from a journal-esque blog to a more project-focused blog, where I share solid updates about a range of projects I'm tackling.

I plan on including a Portfolio section, where I can feature and talk about all of the various projects in question. I'm not entirely sure how to do this, as Blogger is, in fact, quite limited, but I'll get creative and figure something out. I've gotten extremely comfortable here on Blogger, and given that I've already built a range of resources that link back here, I feel that it's the better option to stick to it.

Apart from these changes, the blog itself won't look much different from what it looks like now, so you won't need to worry about major structural changes taking place. I'm essentially just adding a new wing to the mansion and putting some old furniture in storage.

Ripple Effect

Since this is a pretty significant change, there are other parts of the platform that will also be affected. For example, the podcast, which is essentially an extension of this blog, will undergo similar changes. I will be talking about all of my projects across all of these different fields of interest. Again, I understand that ideally, one podcast per topic would be best, but like every other human in the world, I'm time-poor and uninterested in hitching my creative wagon to only one post. In the past, this has only had a detrimental effect on everything for me. 

Aside from the podcast, some other changes might include taking down some items that are listed on my shop, as I want to move into a more open-education and open-entertainment approach for the time being. I may be less active on social media, as I'm trying to centralize in one place - that one place being this blog - but I'll try to make some time to keep everyone updated on my most-used platforms (IG and tumblr, mainly).

The biggest effect, though, is just the opening of the gates for me. Finally, I can talk about everything that I'm working on and let you in on what's happening for some of the big, exciting projects I'm building. Some are educational, some are entertaining, and some are a mix between the two. And maybe - just maybe - by doing this, I'll be able to meet some like-minded professionals who are interested in collaborating and building something awesome together. 



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