Solarpunk - The Right Genre Label for Murder in Heliopolis?

Solarpunk - The Right Genre Label for Murder in Heliopolis?

Lately, I've been considering my use of the 'solarpunk' genre for Murder in Heliopolis. In particular, I started questioning whether it was an appropriate genre tag for the book.

Solarpunk as a concept deals with how to solve environmental issues (climate change, pollution, human interaction with the Earth, etc.) in a sustainable way. 

It's natural that speculative fiction genres would have evolved to include something like this, given that all of the above are some of the biggest issues we are facing in our societies. Kind of like how steampunk was all about industrialization and mechanical over digital technology (albeit in a Victorian-alternative time period).

In any case, solarpunk, which is also often referred to as ecopunk, is a movement which focuses on sustainable practices and environmentally friendly living solutions, both at an individual level and a social level.

One of the questions I found myself asking lately is whether or not is counts as solarpunk if it's simply a normalized way of life in the world of Heliopolis, which is hundreds of years in the future. The whole point of the 'punk' part of the name, after all, is a rebellion of sorts - an opposition to the status quo and the powers that be. In Heliopolis, the values of solarpunk are the status quo. The entire society is built around them.

I've come to the conclusion that I am OK with using this genre label, simply because I do think that as it pertains to the reader's perspective, this story is solarpunk. To readers today, it is a world which goes against so much of the foundations we have built our societies on. 


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