Guides - Worldbuilding for Murder in Heliopolis

Guides: Worldbuilding - Murder in Heliopolis

Heliopolis is a huge city. So huge, in fact, that it's about the size of a full US state or a small country. Those sizes vary - but even the smallest country would make a huge mega-city, right?

Right. So, while I was considering this, and I was considering the political elements of Heliopolis and how it is governed, I realized that the best way for a more effective democratic governance would be to have it split up into regions or districts which could then be represented by a leader. This leader is referred to in Heliopolis as a Guide.

Why choose 'Guide' as a title?

The terms that we have today are laden with connotations. Titles like President, Chief, Congressman, Senator, Member of Parliament, Chancellor, etc. are all fixed with connotations that can't be severed from them - at least not now, while we are currently living with them and the events which revolve around these leaders. 

Even though MiH takes place centuries in the future, after civilizations have been destroyed and have had to rebuild, I am hesitant to use these kinds of titles. They may seem more objective to the citizens of Heliopolis, but they won't be to the reader. I don't want the reader to go into this part of the story with any preconceived notions of what might be associated with the role.

Instead, I decided to look for another title altogether. One that even today is more objective and not laden with any kind of potentially negative connotation or meaning. I also wanted to choose a title that would fit into the world and values of Heliopolis, with its focus on sustainable, eco-friendly living. After some thought, I decided on the title of 'Guide'. 

What does a Guide do?

Guides are the voices of the districts in Heliopolis. Each district, no matter the size, has one Guide. This person is a voice of the people of that district, in particular as it pertains to any matters that involve the district specifically, or any matters which affect all of Heliopolis as a whole. 

How does one become a Guide?

Generally speaking, Guides tend to be charismatic, just, and good-natured people who are helpful figures in their communities. To become a Guide, one has to be elected by the people of the district, but it truly takes one who is committed. 

Campaigns waged with money are not the way it goes in Heliopolis. Deeds speak louder than words. Those who want to become Guides must show the people of their district through their actions that they have their best interests at heart, and that they can be a faithful voice for their district. 

To even be considered for election, people need to endorse you as a candidate. It's not as simple as throwing your hat in the ring - to complete the metaphor, a bunch of citizens have to throw your hat in the ring for you. 

How is a Guide compensated?

While Guides are paid a fair salary for their work, it is not an inflated one, as we see today. Most Guides blend in with the common person in their district. They are the voice of their people because they are one of their people. 

That being said, Guides do enjoy a large respect and prestige in their communities. After all, if people didn't like their Guides and didn't look up to them, they wouldn't have elected them. Knowing that the person you elected strives to represent the needs of your community every day is a reassuring thing. Naturally, Guides are treated well, and this can translate in a range of different ways. 

Why are Guides important to Murder in Heliopolis?

In MiH, one of the antagonists, Calliope Frost, is a Guide candidate - a Guide in Training, so to speak. She's beloved by her district, but most people are unaware of her true nature, and of the crimes she has committed behind everyone's back.

Though Guides themselves are not necessarily involved in the events of Murder in Heliopolis at this point in time, it's important to understand this political mechanic as an aside to fully understand Calliope Frost's character: her potential influence, and the heights from which she might fall if Detective Laith Alazraq exposes everything. 


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