My Scareuary 2024, Entry #10: From A Star in the Ocean

My Scareuary 2024, Entry #10: From A Star in the Ocean

I'm happy to announce that I have just finished my last short story of Scareuary! This prompt, which I've been referring to as "Born of the Shooting Star" to myself these past couple of weeks, is the story about a shooting star hitting the ocean off the coast of Angola and causing strange creatures to wash up on its shores.  


At 718 words, "From A Star in the Ocean" is a short story about a disturbing set of creatures washing up on the shores of Angola after a shooting star causes a tsunami.

I'm definitely going to want to flesh this story out a bit more; I see it getting as big as 2k or 3k words as I add more to it. But the general broad strokes of the story are there, and I'm just going to have to go in and add a little more description (need more research on Angola) and finesse the plot a bit. Maybe even develop the narrator a little more.


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