Return of the Disembodied Screams

Return of the Disembodied Screams

By which I mean, my disembodied screams, virtually transmitted. Okay, the title is a little dramatic. What I am trying to say is, I'm back! More specifically: I'm back to writing horror. 👻

The creepy, the mysterious, the horrific, the terrifying. I want to write it all! 

You might know that I've been working on a horror novel for quite some time now (An Entity In Your Midst). It's a fun little piece that pulls together a range of terrifying encounters (and monsters) from a small, isolated mountainside town, all based on Slavic folklore. While this would logically be the project I'd pick up right about now, I'm actually going to let that one slumber for a little while longer.

Instead, I want short-form. I crave short pieces that are done when they're done. After my long hiatus from writing due to my injury, writing short stories and flash fiction (and perhaps even some poetry?) seems like the best way to ease back into these dark and ominously still waters.

In honor of my return to writing (and writing creepy stuff especially), I'd like to remind you that I do have a small scary story up on my podcast for you to enjoy! The Old Medina is a story about a tourist who inadvertently walks into another dimension in the disorienting maze-like paths of the Old Medina in Morocco. Listen, if you dare.

Also on my podcast is the first part of what I hope will be a small series of stories, all concerning Cerberus, a not-altogether-mythological monster that some civilians swear they've crossed paths with. Check out the first story here.

(As far as revamping my podcast has been going, I'm quite enjoying the new direction.)

I also have a range of other stories that I've written for the sole purpose of performing for my podcast, so you might want to keep an ear out for the skittering, scratching noises of "Infested" - a story jam-packed with creepy-crawly horror!


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