S03EP01: Ripping Off the Bandaid - TRANSCRIPT

S03EP01: Ripping Off the Bandaid - TRANSCRIPT

Hello, and welcome back to another episode of Hyba is Writing. My name is Hyba, and I’m a writer, editor, and learning digital artist. Mostly, though, I love stories. And that’s why I’m here. This is going to be a very short episode, because I’m essentially just ripping off the bandaid and pushing myself back into the podcasting sphere.

You’re listening to the first episode of Season 3, which has been a long time coming! The last episode of Season 2 came out the 7th of January, 2022. As of my recording this, it is the 16th of October, 2022. So… it’s been a while. A lot has happened in the meantime, and I’m sure that the same is true for you. So, what have I been up to?

I’ve been writing and working on different projects, as usual. Lately, the projects that have been taking up space in my mind include a murder mystery slash psychological suspense novel, a fantasy web fiction that I’m excited to continue updating soon, and a historical gothic horror piece that I’ve been keeping carefully under wraps for quite some time.

When you have a bunch of projects and a very limited amount of time, it honestly feels like one big game of tug-o-war, with all these projects pulling at you from all sides.

Mostly, though, these days I’ve been working and trying to find an effective work-life balance, which is hard because I dedicate about 12 hours of my day every day to my job, and feel very brain-empty when I get back home, even if I do still have an hour or two to work on my hobbies and passions.

But the other thing that has been taking up a lot of my free time, especially in the weekends, is a new project that I started way back at the beginning of summer, and that I’m excited to share more about in upcoming episodes. 

It’s my digital magazine, Scrittorio! Scrittorio is a quarterly magazine that deals with the craft of writing fiction, and I’m excited because the first issue is supposed to be coming out at the end of October. So that’s something I’m looking forward to quite a bit, and because this is the inaugural issue, I do feel that it has required quite a large chunk of my free time. But I also have a hunch that it will all be worth it!

So, in a nutshell, that’s what I’ve been up to! A lot, yet… not a lot. But then, that’s what it always feels like.  

But now let’s move on to the podcast itself and what has changed about how I will be approaching this podcast, and what you can look forward to. First and foremost, I want to have more content on here that is directly beneficial to my listeners. I do talk a lot about my own projects and experience, which I suppose is fair enough, since that’s where my expertise will always lie, but I also want to talk a lot more about writing as a craft and fiction in general, so that’s something you can expect more of, which are these episodes that are geared towards you as fellow writers or readers and that will hopefully be of interest to you. 

I can’t say for certain what my episode publishing schedule is going to look like, because I really have no idea how I’m going to balance everything, and while I know that the safest option for me is to probably choose just one thing at a time and go with that one thing, that’s just not the way I work, and it’s definitely not the way my brain works, and this is something that I’ve mentioned before, but if I try to force myself to focus on only one project, I’ll lose motivation and end up fizzling out completely. So, while it may be slow going, I do plan on getting back into the groove with my podcast and publishing lots of great episodes for you. It’s just that I don’t have a specific publishing schedule at the moment.

Alright, I don’t want this to be a very long episode, so that’s where I’ll end things for now. Suffice it to say that I’m back, and I’m working on the podcast, and I’m working on my projects, and I’m trying to juggle about a hundred things at once, and that’s just life, I suppose!

In the next episode, I’ll talk about Scrittorio in more detail, because I want to get that episode out before the first issue is published. If you have any Qs, comments, or suggestions, remember that you can contact me via social media, which you can find listed in the episode description. Thank you very much for tuning in. Happy writing!


Check out my psychological thriller Apartment.

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