Novella November - NOVella Writing Challenge

Novella November - NOVella Writing Challenge

This 2022, I've decided to set up a writing challenge called NOVella - or, in its longer form, Novella November. November is mostly known in the writing community as the month during which NaNoWriMo takes place - a writing challenge in which the goal is to write 50,000 words - the generally agreed-upon minimum length of a novel. 

I wanted to do something a little different this year. Instead of reaching for 50,000 words, I want to write something shorter - but not a short story. So, starting this year, the NOVella writing challenge is going live!


The goal of the challenge is to write a novella of a minimum of 15,000 words. It can be about anything - and in any genre - but it just has to be a full story from beginning to end.

That's about 500 words per day for the full month for the 15k word goal.  I figure that's a pretty fair challenge for those of us hoping to write a novella.

For those of you who are hoping to write novels, this might come in handy for a first draft. It'll allow you to get the main plot points down, and create a sort of skeleton-draft. Later on, you can edit the draft and add information, details, flesh out character backgrounds and subplots, spend time on more worldbuilding, and so on.

Since this is the first year this challenge is going live, I wanted to keep it simple and see what happens.

If you do decide to participate, leave a comment below or get in touch on social media. Best of luck!


Check out my psychological thriller Apartment.

Looking for a writing prompt workbook? Check out 101 Writing Prompts.



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