Monthly Writing Prompts Round-Up - July 2022

Monthly Writing Prompts Round-Up - July 2022

As I work on creating writing prompts for the future editions of 101 Writing Prompts digital workbook and other prompt workbooks, I've decided to share some of them with my readers and fellow writers in hopes that they can help you unleash your creativity and get writing.


Here are the writing prompts I shared on my social media during the month of July:

The owl visited my window every night, and every night I began to expect the wide-eyed face through the glass, the gently hooted tales of things to come.

I awoke to find an army atop me, clambering over one another on my skin, their tiny black bodies in a nightmarish, writhing mass.

Legends warned of the cloudless, starless night when the moon would disappear. I stared at the black expanse above and tried to quash my fear.

Hidden within, they scratched and scrittered, scraped and rasped, and all the while I stared at my walls, unable to sleep.

Her nails were chipped and jagged - broken here and there - but her nail polish was neat, perfect.

I was new to town, and I didn’t know. Sometimes pariahs are outcast for a reason. Sometimes it’s better to leave things be. But I was new to town, and I didn’t know.

When winter comes, she has no choice. The lamb, now grown, is led to the back, where a sharpened blade glistens on the stump of a tree.

The me in the picture smiles wide, but the more I look at her, the more sinister she looks.

They keep the horns and mount them on their spears. To be pierced by the horn of a beast is a great insult to their foes.

A trail of teeth led from my front porch and into the woods, and I turned to fetch my shotgun with a sigh.

I placed my hand on his skin, cool to the touch, and watched as the swirling ink came to life.

I knew I was in trouble with the flames changed course and started heading for me.


The ashes float down, blanketing the world around her. They stick to her hair and clothes, like corrupt, dried up snowflakes. She wonders, numbly, whose ashes cling to her, and whose ashes had already been swept away in the breeze.

Her hands shook as she opened the door. A bouquet of monkswood lay on the welcome mat. It was the fourth one this week.

The first bouquet had 7 stems. The second one had 6 stems. This third had 5. This one had 4.

It was a countdown.


The snake whispered sweet nothings in my ear - promises of power and wealth, of fame and fortune. 


I lay, wide awake, in the darkness of my room. The tapping on my window won’t stop.


I yanked the thumb drive out of the USB port, heart pounding in my chest. Who had sent me this?


And there, in the corner, was the monster from my nightmares.


I couldn’t help but think, as I listened to her speak and realized how much she’d completely changed me, that she’d be the perfect cult leader.


She longed for the crisp morning air, the scent of rain soaking into the dirt, the chill of dew clinging to the blades of grass, and the perfect silence of early morning when all was peaceful and safe.


I listened to the baby wailing through the monitor, sitting rigid in the dark. It wasn’t possible. It couldn’t be real


I hope you enjoy these writing prompts / story starters! If you happen to write something using one of these, share it in the comments or over on social media. 😄 


Check out my psychological thriller Apartment. Add it to your TBR on Goodreads!

Grab the 2022 Reflection & Productivity Journal here for $2.00! Try out a full-month sample free here!

Looking for a writing prompt workbook? Check out 101 Writing Prompts.


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