Battling Creative Uncertainty and Doubt - June 2022 Writing Update

Battling Creative Uncertainty and Doubt - June 2022 Writing Update

Ever find yourself in a highly uncertain phase of your life? When things have been thrown up into the air and you're in that moment where they're hovering, just about to drop back into their new places, and you're not quite sure what the fallout will be. 

June was that moment for me. Heck, July is still that moment for me! But at least now I'm at a point in time where all those thing that were thrown up in the air have almost touched the ground again. Things are starting to look more concrete and less uncertain. 

Back in June, and even before, that wasn't really the case. There was a lot happening for me in terms of my career, and without going into much detail, I felt I was at a crossroads and needed to make a big decision. 

This, of course, sent a signal out to the universe to bring me a bunch of options all at once, which is great, but also confusing and multiplied my uncertainty by about a thousand! Coupled with the creative burnout I've been dealing with since February, I thought the best thing to do was to just let go of writing for a while. Or, at the very least, to let go of writing my projects. So, I scaled things back - a lot. And I dove right into everything else in my life to try and figure things out.

I had interviews. I had meetings. I had opportunities - and all I needed to do was reach out and grab them. The only problem was that I could only grab hold of one - and that one life-changing choice really needed to be the right one. No pressure. 😬

I had self-reflection sessions that consisted of me, my notebook, and my phone, trying to figure out what I wanted to do and which path I wanted to take. Realizing that my decisions would affect how much time and how many resources I would have to put into my writing and other passion projects...

Cue the uncertainty. Cue the doubt. 

You can probably imagine just how helpful having to deal with those two emotions is when you're also trying to climb out of a prolonged creative burnout. 0/10 would not recommend. 😂

Anyway, I made my decisions, and I hope they're the right ones, because I'm really excited for them. And, to make matters cooler, I'm also starting to get my writing motivation back! My creative battery has been charging! The creative well has been replenishing! Things are looking up!

But that's all a July thing. For June, it was just a whole lot of uncertainty and waiting and not feeling all that great about anything. A stressful month. 

Some months are like that, I s'pose. 


Check out my psychological thriller Apartment. Add it to your TBR on Goodreads!

Grab the 2022 Reflection & Productivity Journal here for $2.00! Try out a full-month sample free here!

Looking for a writing prompt workbook? Check out 101 Writing Prompts.



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