StoryADay May 2022 - Prompt #2

 StoryADay May 2022 - Prompt #2

Didn't get a chance to do much writing today, what with Eid celebrations and all! But! I managed to complete the Day 2 prompt, which is awesome. I think it was my first time writing something only 100 words long. Here it is:

The truth is, I should have jumped. She talked about the rings – how we didn’t need the rings – how we didn’t need much of anything at all, except each other. I was hesitant, like I’ve always been hesitant, and I waited for something – something – to help me make a decision. To make that decision for me. It’s what I’ve always done. It is my deepest flaw. My ugliest weakness. She wanted now, not later. I couldn’t jump; she was already off the ground. Gliding through the air, landing beside another, preparing to jump together. And I am alone. Indecisive.

In case it might not have been clear from the story itself, the aphorism I chose to write about was "He who hesitates is lost."

Hoping that tomorrow will be a day where I get more done for my current WIP that I'm working on!


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