Review: 'Lost Dog' - CBS Radio Mystery Theater

Review: 'Lost Dog' - CBS Radio Mystery Theater

In this episode, 'Lost Dog', a woman with a severe phobia of dogs and an abusive husband tries to get treatment for her fear in order to appease his desire for a dog. The show's host hits the nail on the head: in this story, you have to ask yourself if the real monster is the dog, or the husband, George.

Episode Plot (Spoilers)

Julia Smallwood is a piano teacher who experiences physical and psychological abuse from her husband, the alcoholic and demanding George. When talking to her 20-year-old piano student, Ronnie, she reveals that her latest bruises are a result of a disagreement with her husband regarding dogs. George wants dogs, and Julia is terrified of them. 

George decides that a dog is an absolute necessity, so he tells Julia to go get her problem fixed. Julia starts seeing a hypnotherapist. Ronnie confesses that he likes Julia, and realizes that she has new bruises on her neck and shoulders - so he decides to confront George, accusing him and threatening to call the police. George beats Ronnie up.

During a hypnosis session, Julia reveals that at 8 years old, her dog was put down because she had him hurt her next door neighbour and bully. This resolves her fear of dogs.

Later on, Julia meets Ronnie on the street; he's driving his new car. She invites him inside, but Ronnie has a date. She goes to feed Attila, her dog, who she is very close to. She has him smell George's jacket and then trains him to attack it.

Overall Thoughts and Review

One of the main themes of the story is domestic violence. It's interesting to have the main protagonist, Julia, overcome her domestic abuser by overcoming her own fears. However, in a dark way, it also serves to unlock a part of her that she had been suppressing up until then - a guilty part of her that felt horrible for having her dog attack and almost kill a little boy who was mean to her all those years ago when she was a little girl. 

Now, though, she's aware of what she's doing. She's not a small child anymore. She's responsible for her actions. And she wants Attila to get George!


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