March 2022 Writing Update

March 2022 Writing Update

Monthly Page - 2022 Reflection & Productivity Journal

As some of you may remember, I like to keep track of everything I do every month - important accomplishments and big tasks that I’ve successfully completed or worked on. 

Since I released my 2022 Journal, I’ve been using it almost every day to record the things I’ve done as well as (to a lesser extent) challenges I’ve faced and plans moving forward. If you’ve grabbed yourself a copy of my journal, you’ll see that at the end of each month is a monthly review page.

I already make (or try to make) monthly writing update posts on my blog (coming soon for March), but I think I might start sharing screenshots of my monthly pages from my journal, so here we go:


Click for better quality.

Writing Update for March 2022

As you can see above, March was a busy month for me writing-wise, but I want to get a lot more done in April. I have my work cut out for me; it's Camp NaNo and Writathon, and I've got 33 days to write A Cure for Happiness - or, at least, the majority of it. This is about 2,000 words per day - and I have to publish them in order for them to count, at least for Writathon.

But I'm very glad to have accomplished what I already have in the month of March. The illustrations for The Beast of Ildenwood, the prologue for [in]Sanity, the completed first draft of Murder in Heliopolis, the chapters for The Beast of Ildenwood... I'm glad that I was able to get so much done, given that I was really only working on these things during the second half of March (except, I think, for [in]Sanity).

March also marks my return to Tumblr, my start over at Inkitt, and my return to Royal Road as well - at least, mainly in the forums, where I like to spend a lot of time engaging with other writers and readers. 

Plans for April 2022

I have lots of plans - so much to write, so little time - so I won't make too many of them at once. And - let's not forget - it's Ramadan! Lots to do, so I'm not sure how much time I'll have for my writing endeavours. Suffice it to say that in the near future, I'm hoping to do 4 main things:

  • host a celebration on Tumblr (I've hit various milestones over the past couple of years that I never held celebrations for, so now I want to go back and make that happen)
  • prepare bonus chapters for Murder in Heliopolis 
  • continue updating The Beast of Ildenwood weekly
  • successfully complete Camp NaNo / Writathon with A Cure for Happiness

I hope I can at least get these things done! If I can do that in April, then I'm happy. (Also, maybe I can throw in a couple of illustrations, too?)



Grab the 2022 Reflection & Productivity Journal here for $2.00! Try out a full-month sample free here!

Check out my psychological thriller Apartment. Add it to your TBR on Goodreads!

Read my solarpunk mystery Murder in Heliopolis on Royal Road, Inkitt, or Tapas. (Binge on RR!)

Looking for a writing prompt workbook? Check out 101 Writing Prompts.



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