The Beast of Ildenwood - Illustration of Lahab

The Beast of Ildenwood - Illustration of Lahab, Noble Guardian of the Ildenwood Forest

Back with a new illustration (at last!). This one is a quick portrait of Lahab, the Noble Guardian of Ildenwood Forest. (And by quick, I mean that it took me a couple of hours.) It's certainly leaps better than the Zerban portrait, I think, but let me know what you think:


If you zoom in, you'll see all the tiny mistakes. Yay!

She certainly doesn't look like she can breathe fire, does she? Heh.

To be honest, there's something missing here. I still struggle to get a mental image out on paper, so to speak, so it's hard to say what it is exactly that doesn't look very Lahab-y about this piece, but there's definitely something. Maybe it's her hair - needs to be darker? Or her eyes - again, need to be darker? Or maybe the face shape needs to be a bit longer? Maybe lose the smirk? Hmm...

I'll probably re-draw Lahab later on - maybe even more than once - and ask my readers which portrait fits their mental image of Lahab best.


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