Tag Game Round-Up #4

Tag Game Round-Up #4

Last Line #1

Rules: Post the last line that you wrote, then tag as many people as there are words in the line!   

I’ve been working on The Fall of the Black Masks, so here we go:

For a while, Mila felt nothing. She thought nothing. And then, as though possessed, she gasped - the loud, deep gasp of one awakening from a nightmare - her arms finding the ground below her and somehow, impossibly, pushing her aching body up.

Heads Up, Seven Up

Rules: Post the last seven sentences of the last WIP you’ve worked on and tag seven more people to keep the challenge going.

This is for The Pirates of Sissa and it features a scene where Vadra and Sahra are once again… what would you call it? Arguing? Discussing? Bantering? Something along those lines, I suppose 😅

“Well, I’m locked up and being tortured slowly, so really it’s not that different from the last prison I was in,” she said dryly.

“They want to make sure you won’t run, now that you’ve accepted the offer,” he said. “That’s why you’re locked up. As for torture… Well, I suppose your people don’t really find merits in education.”

“Oh, we find merits,” she said. “But it’s difficult to make children focus on learning anything when their stomachs are constantly grumbling. It tends to put a damper on the whole experience.”

I decided to remove a few sentences from the original scene because they had spoilers, so if it seems a bit strange in flow or dry, that’s probably why 


Last Line #2

I’m going to share something from Neon Vape!

She hadn’t realized she had been in the game for over six hours until the cuff on her arm began to vibrate. She lifted her wrist and pressed on the button. A message window popped up in front of her.


You have exceeded 6 hours of play time.

Please take a break from the game.

Do not forget to drink plenty of water, eat healthy foods, and get sufficient rest.

“Can I drink water?” she asked. She had all been so focused on trying to find a way out of the game that she had completely forgotten her normal bodily functions. Her mouth was free, so she knew that she could drink and eat – maybe she couldn’t see anything and use her hands, but she’d be able to eat whatever was brought to her mouth. Still, there were other concerns. How would she go to the bathroom? How would she sleep? Could she sleep?

A thin, stiff object brushed against her lips. A straw. She drew large gulps of cool water, until finally she must have finished the whole container. “Thanks,” she said.


Last Line #3

I’m going to share the last line I wrote for an AU, which I’ve been working on (with… limited success? It’s my first time, so we shall see!):

“Today, we will work on kicks,” he said. “Kicks are important. Your legs are strong, and heavier than your arms. They can knock someone out.”

“Right,” Mila said, following him to the mat. “Let’s get started!”

Ragnar eyed her frame with a frown. “You are small,” he said. “Do you think your kick can reach my head?”

Mila hesitated. “I don’t know,” she admitted. “Maybe?”

This AU features Mila as a college student, her father as a doctor in a modern hospital, and Ragnar as a mysterious martial arts trainer. 


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