Tag Game Round-Up #3

Tag Game Round-Up #3

Last Line

I’m working on the literary companion for Apartment and not my books at the moment, but here goes:

This is done on purpose, because it is linked to the question of guilt and taking responsibility for one’s crimes, especially as they seem to be an overt representation of her wrongdoings.


Rules: Answer 12 Qs from the POV of one of your OCs, make 12 new Qs, and tag 12 people.

OC of Choice: I’m going to be using Mila from The Fall of the Black Masks for this one! More specifically, I’m focusing on her character at the start of the book, rather than the person she becomes at the end of the book.

1) How do you like the climate that you live in? Do you prefer other types of weather?

The climate here is quite moderate. In summer, it can be sweltering, but during the other seasons, the weather cools down considerably, and it’s quite bearable. Winter brings with it some rain, and sometimes it gets a bit too chilly for my liking, but nothing that really bothers me.

2) What inspired your fashion taste? If you could get other clothes, would you?

A lot of women here wear dresses and long robes. It’s not that I don’t like wearing them, but… Well, I prefer pants and the range of motion they allow me to have. I wear a normal shirt and pants most days. Still, there are times when I can’t avoid wearing dresses, like when I’m paying social visits!

3) What do you do to pass the time?

I don’t always get a lot of free time, between working at the hospital and taking care of errands and tasks at home. When I get the chance, I like reading books that talk about the different regions of our world. I hope one day I’ll be able to travel the world and see them for myself!

When I was younger my father hired many tutors to teach me different languages, mathematics, logic, philosophy, science, history, and more. My father has been teaching me medicine ever since I can remember. As a little girl, I became fascinating with the fighting arts, and while I wasn’t able to be formally taught, I’ve done my best to teach myself, and I never skip an evening practice session. I’m not great, but it’s fun.

4) What typically happens that makes time pass for you?

I’m not sure I know what you mean. I spend most of my day at the hospital, and when you’re treating patients, the time passes quickly. On those days that I’m not at the hospital, I do some work around the house or run errands. Sometimes I read and practice in the courtyard, but there’s really not much else to life here.

5) Tell me about your most stressful day.

Stressful? I’m not sure. Studying for the national exams was difficult, but I’m more worried about the national physician’s exam. I want to follow in my father’s footsteps and that will take a lot of work.

6) Are there any traditions in the place you live? What are they?

Oh, definitely. Lots. 

My favourite festival of the year is the Festival of Ash. The name seems a bit ominous, but it’s actually just a festival where we burn incense throughout the Empire. It never smells as intoxicatingly beautiful as it does on that day, and the scent stays for weeks after. It seeps into the buildings and the furniture in the houses and the very air and hangs around for quite a while. In those weeks, the world seems so wonderfully clean. A good smell has quite the positive effect on the mind.

7) What’s your favourite meal, and who makes it best?

Any meal that isn’t made by me! Unfortunately, I’m a mess in the kitchen. My father does most of the cooking when he can, so anything that he makes is always good enough for me.

8) Who’s someone you can’t be without? Why?

My father. He’s the only family I have in the whole world. I don’t know where I’d be without him. He’s protected me and cared for me my entire life. To be without him would be like a death to me.

9) Would you describe yourself as left-brained or right-brained?

I’m not quite sure what that means! What a strange way with words you have! I use my entire mind.

10) What was your favourite childhood toy? Do you still have it?

(I’m not quite sure what to put in this one so I’m skipping it if that’s okay! ^^’)

11) What’s your favourite mythical creature?

I wish I could see a real dragon! They’re not really mythical - they did exist, you know - but they’ve been extinct for centuries now. What I’d give to see one!

12) If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Do you have superpowers in your world? If so, do you have any?

Powers beyond what is humanly possible? That sounds suspiciously like witchcraft. I’d be careful if I were you. I think you’ll find that nobody here cares much for talk of magic here.

- - -

Here are my 12 Qs for your OC of choice!

    What do you do to relax?
    How would you describe your perfect day?
    What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever seen?
    What’s your favourite way to meet new people?
    You’re stranded on an island. What is the one thing you have with you?
    Do you enjoy having guests over to your home?
    When was the last time to attended a play at the theatre?
    What do you think about most often?
    What’s your favourite season or month?
    Are you an early riser or do you sleep well into the morning/afternoon?
    What are you the most passionate about?
    What’s your favourite article of clothing?


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