Letters to Adam: #2 - An Abandoned Mosque
Letters to Adam: #2 - An Abandoned Mosque
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Photo from JosepMonter at Pixabay. |
I wonder if you are receiving all of my letters. As I do not expect a reply – where would you send it to? - I can only hope that my letters are making their way to you, and that they are safe in your hands, insha’Allah. Will you keep the ones that arrive?
I prayed at the mosque today. Abandoned as it is, there is dust everywhere, and the man who is meant to care for the grounds does not step foot inside. I suppose the fear of faith is still rooted here, though it is fascinating that the people continue to observe ancient rituals borne of ancient times. How strange, that they may turn their backs on religion so easily but clutch the ways of old so closely to their hearts. Every door boasts a fresh garland of flowers, every path an even number of stones, every person a little trinket to keep them safe. How fascinating.
The mosque has been relatively untouched since it was last used. Perhaps there remains a fear of retribution for even setting foot inside its walls, for I understand those who govern these lands permit the use of force against those of faith. I shall not stay too long here, I think, for I do not want word of my arrival to spur any movement on their part.
After I prayed my subh, I explored the mosque in hopes of finding a clue. The manuscripts and scrolls once housed here are all gone, and I fear my travels will be longer than I expected. I also fear that what I seek may no longer exist. Perhaps it never did. Was it foolish of me, to search for something known to us only through legends? A story handed down – a small, trifling thing, not more than a few sentences?
Perhaps it is foolish. But I know in my heart that something lies in wait for me at the end of this path I have taken. You will smile and shake your head, but I know you will understand. You, of all people, will understand.
Tomorrow I set off in search of our miracle cure once more. I have heard that the manuscripts have been migrated to an official library. How I will gain entry, I do not know – though I think by now it is evident that I shall do everything in my power, and smaller sins I would happily trade for the chance to save our loved ones.
Take care of them, Adam. You are protected, subhanAllah – you are the only one who can. Take care of them, and know that the moment I have the cure, I will ride day and night back to you.
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