Launch: Apartment Literary Companion

Apartment Literary Companion Now Available for Free!

Readers of Apartment might be pleased to learn that the first edition of the literary companion, which was supposed to be released alongside the book back in January, is now available in its first edition completely for free over on the shiny new Apartment website!

Check out the Literary Companion for Apartment here.

As it states on the Literary Companion page, it is currently available in its first edition. I am quite transparent with the fact that I do believe it requires a more in-depth dive into the literary analysis of Apartment, and will therefore be more complete in future editions. However, I also believe that as a starting place, it's well-suited to get readers thinking and wondering about some of the themes and literary devices to be found in Apartment

There are a few reasons that I've decided to launch the Literary Companion now:

  1. I want readers to be able to enjoy the full Apartment experience, and I've always believed that the Literary Companion is an integral part of that.
  2. I felt that I had dragged it out long enough, and I wanted to be able to have it out there in whatever form I could accomplish at this point in time, given all of my other projects and work, rather than continuously postponing it indefinitely.
  3. I recently sent out free copies of Apartment to a lot of kind readers who had opted in for it when they filled out a research survey on enhanced ebooks earlier this month, and I wanted to make sure that the Literary Companion was made available for them.

I will do my best to update the Literary Companion at regular intervals moving forward - perhaps once or twice a year. I hope that future editions will allow me to delve deeper into the literary analysis of the book, and that what I have provided so far is enough to get readers' minds thinking about all of the different themes, messages, and other literary elements in Apartment

If any readers have questions, suggestions, theories and/or interpretations, please don't hesitate to send them to my via my contact form. Who knows? They might end up featured in the Literary Companion as well! 😄


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