Semi-Hiatus Announcement

As some of you might know, I'm not only a writer but also a student, and as such, there are times when I have to put more of my focus into my studies and put aside my writing. This has been the case lately, with my final dissertation deadline drawing near.

I'm very excited about my dissertation and am truly enjoying delving into the subject of my research (which, surprise, surprise, is book-related). But it's a big project, and it will require more of my focus and concentration moving forward. In fact, it's already been taking up a lot of space in my life in recent weeks, which is why I haven't been able to upload new episodes of my podcast or share the next chapters of The Beast of Ildenwood. I'll do my best to get back on track with everything as soon as possible, but my priority right now is my studies.

Anyway, I wanted to say that I may be on-and-off (and mostly off) the blog, and probably most of my social media, for the better part of May, June, and July. For anyone else whose semester is nearing a close and is dealing with similar academic projects and responsibilities, best of luck!

Until next time! 👋


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