Character Backstories Vol. 7 - Mila & Sahra

Character Backstories 

Vol. 7 - Mila & Sahra

For this week's Character Backstories volume, my trusty old pencilcase has given me the names of two of my favourite original characters: 

Shall we begin?

Mila (The Fall of the Black Masks)

Mila grew up in a single-parent home in the Empire of Belvatria. Under the care of her father, Qays, she learned the medical arts and began observing and helping him in his hospital as a teenager. Money was never an issue for Mila growing up, as her father's expertise and the respect the community afford him as one of the most accomplished physicians in all of the Empire provide them with a comfortable living.

While growing up, Mila went to school and was taught by accomplished tutors in a variety of different subjects, including languages of the continent, the history of Qarra, the sciences and maths, and more. As a naturally curious person who enjoys learning and discovery, however, her favourite books are those written by the famous Belvatrian adventurer, Athor the Wanderer, about his travels. It is only natural, therefore, that such interests nurtured a desire to see the world for the young Mila.

Mila also has a range of interesting hobbies, of which perhaps the most plot-relevant is her blade-throwing. She is quite accomplished, and owns a set of blades that her father bought her for her birthday. 

Very idealistic, Mila holds fast to her moral teachings, and acts as a moral compass for the jaded and lost warrior, Ragnar. Her inability to stay quiet when faced with injustices can and does create some problems for her, but she cannot bring herself to regret standing up for herself and others - even if it comes at a cost.

There's quite a lot more to say about Mila. After Ragnar, she was, I believe, the second character I made for this high fantasy story, and has played a critical role in its progression ever since. If you have any questions about her, don't hesitate to leave them in the comments.


Sahra (The Pirates of Sissa)

Sahra was very young when her parents were taken away from her by the Sissans, and much too young to be cast out into the Black Desert as she was. Her life has been a struggle from childhood, and as a result, she has been shaped by the injustices, discrimination, and violence the Qorsan have faced at the hands of the imperialistic Sissan forces.

She quickly learned to do what she must in order to survive, and as a fast learner she was able to take care of herself and others as she grew older in the hostile environment of the Black Desert. When she became an adult, she was taken under the wing of the Captain of the Qorsan community she lived with, and soon became his right-hand, much to the envy of his daughter, Kutsila.

A few years later, the Captain made the announcement that in the event of his death, it would be Sahra who would take over for him, for she had proven herself worthy. This, of course, did little to quell the enmity that Kutsila felt for Sahra, and as a result the relationship between the two women was never repaired.

By the time we meet Sahra in the book, she has been Captain for several months, and has proven her worth in action, too. Her strategies have allowed the Qorsan to find hole in the Sissan Border Patrol's formations to protect merchant caravans traveling through the Black Desert and towards the Empire, though the leader of the Patrol has proven himself equally adept, quickly finding ways to keep the Qorsan at bay once more.

In terms of personality, Sahra is very stubborn and finds it difficult to keep her anger in check around those who have made her life and those of her people a living hell for decades. She cares little for Sissan authority, or Sissan people in general, and wants only the best for her people, even at the expense of her own life.

There's a lot more to say about Sahra's backstory, too, so if you have any questions about her, don't hesitate to leave them in the comments.


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