Character Backstories Vol. 5 - The Manager & Governor Bor's Wife

Character Backstories 

Vol. 5 - The Manager & Governor Bor's Wife

 In today's volume of Character Backstories, I'll be chatting a bit about: 

  • the mysterious character of The Manager in Apartment (spoiler alert!)
  • the not-so-mysterious character that is Governor Bor Rammal's wife (unnamed at the moment, but we're getting there) from The Pirates of Sissa

Let's get started!

The Manager (Apartment)

The Manager, as the name suggests, is the manager of the huge, ugly apartment building on Wallstone Avenue where the majority of the book takes place. He is a mysterious character, but from the very beginning there's something very eerie about him (well, granted, there's something eerie about all of them). He seems to visit the building from time to time to conduct maintenance checks and ensure that there are no squatters, since the building is mostly empty. He also seems quite interested in the numbers going up, and seems to be preparing for something.

When the building comes under attack by the dangerous people following Alex, it spurs whatever plan he has into motion, and he reveals his true self that day. Things don't go according to his plans because of these new, uninvited arrivals, but he tries to make do with what he's got.

What is his plan, you might be thinking?

So, to put it simply, he's interested in the hunt. In a way, this character harbors some resemblance to General Zaroff from The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell in this aspect - the "island" being the apartment building. 

The thing is, he's not really officially or legally the manager of anything. He helped construct this building way back when, and we get the idea that back then, he probably helped a few other workers meet their own unfortunate demises. When he realized the building was being abandoned, he decided to take matters into his own hands and bring people there himself. 

But he wants a lot of people. To him, it's not enough to invite one person into the building and hunt them down. The more people there are, the bigger the challenge, and he truly thinks he can rise up to any challenge that comes his way.

Extremely messed up character, really.


Governor Bor Rammal's Wife (The Pirates of Sissa)

A much less messed up character - how refreshing! Governor Bor's wife is a character that is new to the current draft of The Pirates of Sissa, and as such, there's still a lot that will be figured out about the role she plays in the plot, if any, and what her character backstory is. For now, here's what I've got (and it might change, so please do keep that in mind):

  • Mrs. Rammal (for lack of a better name at the moment 😂) comes from a noble background, and married Bor not out of love but as a marriage of convenience that was arranged. Word is, he offered her parents an abominable sum of money, and they simply couldn't refuse.
  • There are rumours that when she married him, she was in love with someone else, and that that romance continues. 
  • Rumours also claim that the married couple lives apart from one another, and that she can't actually stand being around the Governor any more than she has to. 

Well, rumours, of course, aren't always true - and often they're quite exaggerated. But they often have a starting point, do they not? And as for Mrs. Rammal - well, I suppose you'll have to wait and see what is true and what is not when it comes to this new character, and how she fits into the larger story as a whole.


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