Authorly Thoughts


A few days ago, I decided to go a while without electronics. I'm still not entirely back yet, but I thought this would be a good time to let readers know what's been running around in my mind as I get some clarity and realign myself with my personal goals and wishes.

In short, I'm going to be doing a major overhaul of my website, blog, and social media presence. Here are some important decisions I've made:

  1. I'm shutting down my newsletter on May 1, 2021. You might notice that I've been completely removing all links to my newsletter in my blog posts and my website. I am no longer collecting newsletter subscribers. Moving forward, I don't think I will be using a newsletter. Any "subscriber-exclusives" will simply be shared right on my blog and/or website for all readers to enjoy.

    (This also means that the 50% discount is no longer available for my Spring Sale, as that was a subscriber-exclusive discount. Those who were subscribed to my newsletter prior to the decision to delete it have already received their discount code in their inboxes, and are more than welcome to use it! If you are subscribed and didn't receive it, please check your Spam/Junk.)

  2. I'm stepping back from social media in general. Social media doesn't reward those who spend too much time away from it, but that can't be helped. The draining work is simply not worth the reward, and I'm much happier blogging. Moving forward, my presence on social media will be pretty inconsistent and sporadic, but any major news and updates will probably be shared there.

  3. My short stories have been taken down from my website. Fear not, however, because they will be back. I've simply decided to edit and polish them before re-releasing them.

  4. My WIPs have also been removed from my website, except for my currently active novel in progress, which is The Pirates of Sissa. The other WIPs will be re-uploaded onto my website when I'm focusing on them primarily, though I may still blog about them occasionally before then.

That's all for now, though I'm sure many things will continue to change as I spend more time away from my electronics and the constant, overwhelming noise of social media and the Internet at large. I would like to try out this configuration and see how things pan out, and whether or not these decisions will stick.

What I can say for certain is that time away has truly made a significant positive impact on my health, and all of these decisions - the ones to do with my social media and newsletter in particular - are a direct and conscious result of that.


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