RERUNS: The Pirates of Sissa

The Pirates of Sissa - Podcast Episode Reruns in Preparation for Season 2! 📻

As you probably know by now, the second season of my podcast is going to be all about my upcoming high fantasy novel The Pirates of Sissa. The entire season is going to be jam-packed with fun facts, creative content, and behind-the-scene looks at everything related to The Pirates of Sissa

The all-new season launches on April 1, 2021, but if you just can't wait to get into the story and learn about it, you can take a look at these episodes from Season 1. (All the links will take you to Anchor, but the podcast is also available on various other podcasting platforms.)

Happy listening, and I'll be speaking to you all again over on whichever platform you prefer to listen to podcasts on!

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If you haven't already, check out my eerie suspense novella Apartment.


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