First Edit of French Translation for "The Legend of the Sleeping Massacre" is Complete! πŸ‘

 First Edit of French Translation for "The Legend of the Sleeping Massacre" is Complete! πŸ‘


One GIANT step closer to having The Legend of the Sleeping Massacre out in its French translation!! What a way to end my week!

A HUGE thanks to my good friend and French editor for taking the time to check my French skills! As you might already know from previous blog posts, my main goal is getting all my short stories translated into Arabic, Spanish, and French - and I just so happened to start with French on a whim one night, so here I am.

This has been a great experience in preparation for tackling bigger projects, like translating Apartment. It felt like such a huge mountain to climb at first, but with this short story translation, I’m seeing how much easier it will be than I originally thought, and I’m really excited!

Looking forward to reaching audiences reading in different languages and breaking down that barrier! I want to make my writing accessible to people wherever they are and whatever language they speak. For now, my goal is modest - but I hope to go beyond the AR/SPN/FR language trio soon.


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