Character Backstories: Vol. 1 - Ruda & Bor

 Character Backstories: Vol. 1

Today I wrote down a list of character names - all the characters that I could remember off the top of my head and that I was comfortable sharing information about publicly. Some of the characters' stories give away their importance in the books, and I don't want to ruin some pivotal revelations for readers.

What did I do with that list?

I grabbed a pair of scissors and cut out all the names, folded the pieces of paper, and threw them all into an old and empty pencil case. A little shaking ensued, after which I pulled out two random slips of folded papers and revealed the names of two characters whose character backstories I will be sharing with you today. 

These two characters are:

  1. Governor* Ruda Orumweld (The Pirates of Sissa)
  2. Governor* Bor Rammal (The Pirates of Sissa)

Both of these characters are, in fact, high-ranking government officials in the Sissan Empire, though the two of them are very different men with very different backgrounds. Let's start with Ruda.


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Governor Ruda Orumweld

Hailing from Orum, Ruda is the descendant of the last-ruling family of the province that was once a kingdom. When the Kingdom of Orum was conquered by the Empire of Sissa, it became an imperial province and lost much of its autonomy. Nevertheless, the Sissan rulers were lenient, as they were with all of their acquired lands, and allowed the ruling family to maintain its power by offering them a place on the emperor's council. 

Ruda always knew that he would inherit the province from his father as the eldest son of the Orumweld household. Something he took for granted, he spent much of his younger years squandering away his family's wealth and disregarding the important lessons a Governor must learn in order to successfully govern their province. 

As a result, when his father passed away and Ruda took over for him, he was faced with challenge after challenge, and had quite the steep learning curve as he struggled to find his footing in his new position. Luckily for Ruda, the Sissan imperial government had taken special interest in Orum during the years his father held the position of Governor, and Ruda was able to benefit from imperial assistance in ensuring Orum was governed in a correct and profitable manner. 

With his position and wealth secured, Ruda married into the second most powerful family in Orum, after the Orumwelds, and settled down into a life of routine and comfort. 



Governor Bor Rammal

Ramadi is the birthplace of the Empire of Sissa, a place where the Sissans, a minority expelled from the now-fallen Kingdom of Wad, sought refuge. Though Ramadi was a region populated by the Qorsan at the time, the Sissans were welcomed to share their land, and given shelter and security when they had none. 

Governor Bor is a descendant of one of the original Sissan leaders, his lineage a thing of legend in Sissa. The man himself, however, is little more than an eyesore to most. Impossibly privileged and pampered, Bor grew up to be a man who suffered naught the struggles of life, and who wanted nothing to do with others if doing so could bring him nothing of benefit.

His ambitious and power-hungry (read: money-hungry) persona has turned him into a man to avoid, even among the highest political circles in which he operates as one of the emperor's council members, but his title still earns him a modicum of respect and power.

Harboring a particular distaste for the Qorsan, Bor has been more than willing to aid in whatever means necessary to ensure they no longer pose a threat to the part of the Sissan border that his province shares with the Black Desert. However, he has been thwarted in his efforts to gain authorization for uses of force by the Emperor of Sissa.



*I use world-specific titles for each of my characters, so Bor and Ruda are not actually referred to as Governors, but rather by a different title. Since I want to keep these titles and tidbits of worldbuilding to myself until it's time to release the books, I'll be using generic placeholders for now. The same is true of other elements, such as the emperor's council, which as a specific name, or the title of emperor itself.

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