101 Writing Prompts: A Digital Workbook - Launch Announcement

101 Writing Prompts: A Digital Workbook - Launch Announcement 🎉

My latest non-fiction project, a digital workbook called 101 Writing Prompts, will be released April 1, 2021! 

As the name suggests, the workbook centers around 101 writing prompts that writers can draw inspiration from and use to improve their writing skills.

Features include:

  • 100% paperless. The book is only available as a PDF, and writers can write their stories directly in the book itself - no need for notebooks or papers. All stories can be saved directly to your workbook, so don't worry about losing any of your work!
  • Simple design with bright colours. The workbook is designed to keep you focused and engaged, so there are no distractions on the pages. The bright colours of the pages serve to keep your brain stimulated.
  • Tracking prompts completed. Each prompt page also includes a Completed box, originally made for writing down the date that you completed that prompt. But you can also use it to enter whatever text you wish, such as "Yes" or "First Draft" or "Editing".
  • Access to an exclusive community page. Connect with other writers who have purchased the workbook, share the stories you've written based on the prompts, get exclusive leads on future editions, and more! This is an experimental feature, and may be discontinued in future if it is unsuccessful. 


If you haven't already, check out my thriller Apartment.



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