What Next? - A Post-Apartment Ramble

What Next? - A Post-Apartment Ramble

So... Apartment has been published and made available to readers at long last. Now that it is, now that there are readers out there that have bought the book and are, I imagine, reading the story in their warm, cozy homes or on their way to work, it feels largely complete. 

Well, not entirely - I do have other plans for Apartment going forward, like some related blog posts here and there, a print edition, and we can't forget the literary companion that should be coming soon! Still, it's a relief, somehow, to have the book out there and available for readers.

The next logical step for me now would be to move on and focus my efforts on my next book, which up until recently I thought might be one of my fantasy novels. As it is, I think life is taking me in another direction for these next few months. 

My top priority at the moment, and more specifically for the rest of January, is education - both mine and that of others. I am simultaneously tutoring and studying, teaching and learning, and that, as any student and teacher will know, takes up quite a large chunk of time. At the moment, I'm crafting a curriculum and creating original material while at the same time completing a range of assignments and preparing for end-of-semester exams. It's a lot, but it's rewarding and valuable work.

February will be a more of a writing month for me. I won't be working on my own books, but I will be aiming to write one story every day for the whole month of February - a challenge I'll be doing with my good friend and talented writer Sumayyah. I look forward to sharing some of those stories with my readers here on the blog or over on my website!

2021 may have a lot in store, and I have no idea what that may be. But for now, I'm taking it a little bit at a time - finishing my studies, teaching and preparing educational material, and writing every now and then. In the meantime, I'll work on making sure that I can complete the literary companion for Apartment and engage in discussion with readers who'd like to learn more about the themes, ideas, and questions posited by the book.

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