Motivational Monday on a Mountain - A Snippet

Wrote this based on a prompt I no longer remember, but it turned out feeling quite motivational and uplifting, and humbling all at the same time. 

Happy Motivational Monday, friends!


She had stood next to this mountain, once. Things were different then. She had been smaller, weaker, much less significant. She had grown, had gotten farther than she’d ever hoped, taller than she’d ever dreamed.

And yet, with everything that had happened, standing next to this mountain now, she did not feel like a giant. She felt completely and utterly trivial, like a grain of sand on the shore of a tumultuous ocean. The mountain, unchanged over the years, still held the same majesty and strength. Its power was harnessed over the ages, and still it stood, imposing upon the rest of the world the intensity of its spirit, calm and unyielding. 

She wanted that peaceful strength. She wanted to have the power and grace to be unaffected by those down below and those up above, and to be firm in her convictions regardless of what was done to her.

Coming back here was, in a sense, disappointing. She realized she was still the same, small trifling creature she was before. But it was also motivating. She knew now how much farther she needed to go, knew that there were still many new heights for her to reach, and she would climb to them, would grow taller and taller until finally she towered over everything and everyone, calm and unyielding.

She stood next to the mountain and promised herself that the next time she stood beside it, she would be more.


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