Meeting Dragons - A Snippet

I wrote this snippet for a prompt game that I made a while back where my followers on social media chose a first line from a list that I provided, and then I had to write a story for it.

Enjoy this little piece about dragons!


This is probably your first time meeting a dragon, so I’ll try to describe the experience as best as I can remember. See, the thing about a dragon is that it’s not always like the stories. The first time I saw this dragon, it reminded me of a griffin. I always thought griffins were small - at least, the size of an actual lion. But imagine a griffin the size of a skyscraper, or bigger!

It’s not as furry as a griffin, though. The feathers slowly transform into impenetrable scales. It’s hard to pinpoint where, exactly, the change takes place, but it’s obvious that the head, neck, shoulders, and wings are covered in feathers. The further you move away from the head, the harder the feathers become, until suddenly they’re not feathers at all, but scales.

It’s a gorgeous creature. There’s a slight iridescence to its feathers and scales, and its eyes aren’t beady and black and threatening, but honest and intelligent and noble.

That dragon - though it decided to keep all the treasures that spilled from my ship and hoarded them fiercely - that dragon saved my life. You would have loved to meet it in person, I think. Not violent - not really - and much too virtuous an animal to be called savage or wild.

Yes, that dragon saved my life.

It was only too bad I couldn’t save it in return.


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