Apartment Excerpt #4

For today's excerpt, I chose a rare representation of hope and freedom in Apartment

At this point in the story, one of our main characters is taking a moment to soak in her newfound freedom and the hope she has for her life to become better moving forward. 

But freedom comes at a price, and hope is sometimes as poisonous as despair...


She closed her eyes, inhaled, exhaled, inhaled, exhaled. There was something strangely alluring about being on the precipice of a new life, another existence. Something deliciously exciting.
Apartment comes out January 5, 2021.

This post is part of my 49 Days of Apartment campaign spanning the time leading up to the launch of my book, and the week after. If you would like to participate and write a guest post on the subject of suspense and magical realism or an equally relevant topic, please contact me here.

If you think Apartment is a book you might enjoy and would like to review the book prior to the release date, please contact me here.

If you would like to contact me for media purposes, please contact me here.


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