Apartment: Character Feature - Angela

Character Feature: Angela

Angela is one of the three main characters in my forthcoming eerie suspense novella, Apartment, set of release January 5, 2021. She, like the others, starts off an innocent enough character, but the longer the reader spends in her mind, the more we begin to understand that there is something very wrong with Angela. She has a very particular past, and a very dangerous mindset.

She is also perhaps the hardest character to understand. Unlike the James and Alex, her motives seem slightly more difficult to discern, though they are strongly hinted at. Angela, in my humble opinion as her writer, is one of the most dangerous characters in the cast, and has more in common with the character of The Manager than she does with James or Alex. There's just something sinister about someone who acts and lives a normal life - she works as an accountant and goes to work every day, and her apartment is perhaps the most lively and normal of them all - but all the while has a very, very dangerous mind.

Originally, I wanted Angela to be a normal person, minus all the sinister depths, and set her up as just a woman caught up in dangerous events because she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. She was supposed to crack under the pressure and become someone completely different. In later drafts of the novella, however, this changed. 

Angela is very much not a normal person, and never was.

This post is part of my 49 Days of Apartment campaign spanning the time leading up to the launch of my book on January 5, 2021, and the week after. If you would like to participate and write a guest post on the subject of suspense and magical realism or an equally relevant topic, please contact me here.

If you think Apartment is a book you might enjoy and would like to review the book prior to or after the release date, please contact me here.

If you would like to reach me for media purposes, please contact me here.


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