5 Reasons to Read Apartment

 5 Reasons to Read Eerie Suspense Novella Apartment

My osychological thriller & magical realism novella Apartment - which also happens to be my first published book - came out in January 2021! 🎇 (Check it out here!

As a debut author, and a self-publishing indie author at that, you might be thinking, "So, what? Why should I read your book?" 

Here are 5 reasons why!

Five reasons to read Hyba's debut eerie suspense novella, Apartment.

1. The suspense is mentally stimulating!

Have you ever thought about why it is we like reading suspense and thrillers? One of the main reasons is that they stimulate our minds and pull us into a world where we're not only enjoying the delicious suspense of it all, but also doing our best to solve the puzzle or question that has been presented to us.

Apartment is jam-packed with suspense, so if you enjoy suspense or thrillers, you'll enjoy reading it!

2. The characters are intriguing... and completely suspect.

As humans we are intrigued by the inner minds and workings of people who do things that seem completely unreasonable, bizarre, or dangerous. A large part of Apartment is the psychological element - the suspense of finding out who a character truly is, and what they're going to do, and of trying to understand their thought process. 

If you like a heavy suspense with some good psychological elements, Apartment is just the book for you to try out!

3. It is one weird book!

Do you like things that deviate from the norm? Would you like to try out a suspense with magical realism elements and something of the absurd?

If you're an adventurous soul who likes to try out new things, try Apartment out and see if you like it!

4. It's a quick read.

As most novellas are, I suppose! If you're looking for something to read on your commute to work or while you're traveling, grab yourself a copy of Apartment when it comes out on January 5, 2021, and  enjoy! 

Alternatively, if you've been in a reading slump lately and want something to reignite your love for reading - but not something that's too big of a commitment, Apartment is for you!

5. It's lit.  

By which I mean it's got layers upon layers upon layers. You won't get tired of reading Apartment, because there's always more to peel back and uncover! 

And a bonus: Apartment is being released alongside its literary companion for readers who are interested in finding out just what some of the elements in it mean

It lends itself great to deep discussions with friends or book clubs. It's also great for high school or university literature classes!

So what are you waiting for? 

Grab a copy of Apartment now!


Check out my psychological thriller Apartment. Add it to your TBR on Goodreads!

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This post is part of my 49 Days of Apartment campaign. If you would like to participate and write a guest post on the subject of suspense and magical realism or an equally relevant topic, please contact me here.

If you think Apartment is a book you might enjoy and would like to review the book prior to or after the release date, please contact me here

If you would like to reach me for media purposes, please contact me here.


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