EP15: The Legend of the Sleeping Massacre - TRANSCRIPT

 Hi! You're listening to HIW and I'm your host, Hyba. Today, I'll be reading aloud a short story that I shared a while back called The Legend of the Sleeping Massacre. This is a popular legend told throughout the world of my fantasy series, and is incredibly important to the plot of one of the books in the series, which I have yet to introduce. Still, I thought it would be a fun story to share with you, and I hope you enjoy it! So, let's go ahead and get started! You can read along if you'd like - you will find the story on my website linked in the description of this episode, and it is available in PDF, ePUB, and MOBI formats.

Alright, here we go!

[read along here]

That wraps up the story, and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing and reading it!


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