3 Tips for Writing Suspense
My Three Tips for Writing Suspense My all-time favourite thing to do with my writing is to build suspense for readers. I love writing suspense because it makes the story exciting - not just for the readers who will be reading it, but for me as the author. Over my many years of writing, I've found that there are a bunch of methods to create suspense that are effective and easy to use. Here are just 3 of the ways that I personally enjoy building suspense in my stories, and I hope they work for you, too. 1. Deliberate Description One thing I've found over my years of writing suspense is that having a middle-ground when it comes to description is key. You don't want to go on a long ramble about what a house looks like to the minutest of details for paragraphs and pages in a row! That gets boring very quick, and a lot of readers will probably just end up skimming it or skipping it completely - not something you want readers to be doing. At the same time, you don't want to...